A garrafa do refrigerante que você toma hoje estará no seu celular amanhã. Isso se os demais fabricantes seguirem o mesmo caminho da Motorola com o W233 Eco. Ele é o primeiro telefone móvel do mundo com o certificado CarbonFree, tem a carcaça feita com 25% de plástico de garrafa PET.
Além do material da produção do celular, o Motorola W233 Eco traz outras novidades no conceito de consciência ambiental. Por meio de uma parceria com a ONG Carbonfund. org™, a Mototola compensará todo o carbono emitido na fabricação, distribuição e uso do celular com investimentos em projetos de preservação ambiental. A vida útil da bateria do aparelho também promete ser maior do que a média suporta 496 minutos de conversa.
Esse é um grande avanço, tendo em vista, que é o primeiro passo, para que os celulares mais potentes com mais funções, que são os mais cobiçados pelo consumidor, passem a ser ecologicamente correto, causando assim um maior impacto positivo no planeta!
Mais um assunto preocupa o usuário de telefonia móvel.
Quem nunca ouviu falar que utilizar demais o celular causaria câncer como Tumores cerebrais??? Pois é, desta vez vários estudos apontam que isso não se trata de uma “lenda urbana” e sim uma real possibilidade.
O uso da telefonia em massa começou nos anos 80 no exterior, mas no Brasil já era crescente a cada ano a partir da metade dos anos 90 (lembram daquele modelo da Motorola com o famoso “VIBRACALL”)
Há um estudo chamado “Celular e tumores cerebrais: 15 razões para preocupação”, criado pela International EMF Collaborative (EMF é a sigla para “campo eletromagnético). O estudo é um pouco controverso (assim como o assunto). Na verdade não é possível afirmar que o uso do celular causa tumores cerebrais, pois a utilização ainda é recente para que aconteça este tipo de consequência, mas é possível afirmar que a utilização do celular pode quebrar uma das “fitas” da estrutura do DNA, mas neste caso ela é recomposta, mas se quebrada duas pode haver uma mutação genética que poderá levar a degeneração orgânica ou até mesmo um câncer. Um outro efeito que foi possível ser notado, é que há uma alteração da barreira hematoencefálica (membrana no cérebro) que poderia ser um fator cancerígeno. Um outro estudo revela que o uso continuo de mais de 10 anos oferece maior probabilidade de desenvolver um câncer no lado que mais utiliza o telefone, o mesmo estudo diz que a probabilidade é de cerca de 50% a 90% de desenvolver tumores.
Gliomas é um dos tumores cerebrais que poderiam se desenvolver, estes tumores afetam as células que dão suporte a nutrição dos neurônios ou até mesmo os neuromas acústicos (afetam o canal auditivo). Estudos mostram que até as glândulas salivares podem ser afetadas pelo efeito da radiação (segundo um estudo israelense). Por curiosidade estudaram também os aparelhos que emitem mais ou menos radiação, e as apontadas como emissoras de maior freqüência de radiação são as grandes; Black Berry e Motorola (embora os mesmo apareçam na lista oposta), Nokia e Siemens aparecem na tabela de “menos” radiativas, nenhuma das marcas responderam aos dados da pesquisa.
Homens se espantem!!! Relatórios revelam que adolescentes e homens que guardam seus aparelhos celulares no bolso, podem ter menor números de espermatozóides.
Como o Brasil tem projetos de usar um microcomputador(ou os famosos “netbooks”) por aluno nas futuras aulas, possivelmente estarão expostos á tecnologias WIFI, Bluetooth, Wimax, etc. Lembrando que nas crianças os efeitos podem ser ainda maiores (pois nelas as reproduções das células ocorrem mais amiúde).
Linha EcoVision desenvolvida pela Siemens.Feita de materiais reciclado e carrega a energia solar !
Na verdade na comunidade cientifica, somente 02% pertencem aos BioInitiative (parte responsável por afirmar dos males do uso dos celulares), e 98% é a grande maioria que não acreditam nesta proporção de informações, e concordam que os males do uso de telefones celulares são muito pequenos para serem relevantes para os padrões de segurança estabelecidos pela OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde), ou seja, o efeito biológico é praticamente nulo. Lembrando que é cedo para temos certeza da real conseqüência, para um fumante desenvolver algum tipo de câncer, poderá demorar 20,30 até 40 anos! Mas não vamos criar pânicos, sempre estivemos expostos á diversos tipos de radiações, tudo é questão de estudar uma maneira mais “verde” de utilizar a tecnologia!!!
Por Fábio Santos
Não copiar o texto ou alterá-lo sem a permissão do autor
O Globo RJ Editoria: Digital OMS
International EMF Collaborative
Designed with small and medium-sized warehousing, agriculture, security, light industry and services customers in mind, the four channel CP040 portable radio requires minimal training and keeps team members in touch without distracting them with complicated features. Management can monitor all voice traffic and get a message to the team in seconds, however large the site.
• Programmable Channel Spacing
• 4 channels
• Two channel buttons
• Private Line™ (PL), Quik Call II™ and MDC signalling
• Variable Squelch Settings
• Choice of Unmute/Mute Rules
• Channel free/busy monitor
• Busy Channel Lockout
• Repeater Talkaround
• Receive Only Channel
• Time Out Timer
• High/Low Transmit Power Selection
Standard Package Comprises:
• Radio
• Slim Li-ION battery
• Rapid Charger
• Standard Antenna
• Beltclip
• User Guide
Radio Hire is a great alternative to purchasing. When you hire radio’s to form your communications infrastructure you don’t need to worry about capital. with just one low, per radio, per week payment you can hire as many, or as few radio’s as you need for your event.
…That for a mere ten dollars more you can get the C168i, which is like half the thickness, and only sufferes 2 hours less in battery, it plays games, stores more contacts, larger screen, and is just overall a better phone, I have nothing against this phone, i tried it out for a week or so untill i noticed the C168i for only 10 dollars more at Best Buy with all the extra bonuses it has over this one.
Only thing this phone has over the C168i is that it sure looks/feels a LOT more durable.
So this phone alon is a 5 star phone, but when compared to other products in a near/same price range its not the best phone, but its still a GREAT cheap phone, found it for 19.99 at best buy.. how can you complain at that price??
During an investor relation conference call this morning Arris presented a very compelling view of media convergence, with the newly expanded product line right at the center. Moxi adds to the Arris line of customer premise equipment (CPE), spearheaded by IP telephones. The real synergy between the companies however, is on the cable operator side.
While you may now Moxi best as a stand alone set top box (STB), the interface has been around longer, sold directly to cable operators for STB rented to subscribers. Arris has an extensive catalog of DOCSIS based solutions for cable. Another important element for what Arris consistently referred to as the broadcast side, was early September’s acquisition of EGT
Arris expressed being “closer than ever to the customer”, but admitted to needing “a better channel that needs to evolve” to properly service the Moxi retail business. Some fun facts about what is in store for them
300,000 Moxi enabled STB install base through cable operator subscriptions, since 2004
no numbers were disclosed from the direct to consumer business started in January 2009
Moxi had seen updates release in Spring and Summer to its retail customers, but any new updates, especially a logical extension such as tru2way, probably won’t be seen until 2011.
To back track a little, around the time Moxi was bursting on the scene in 2004, Arris had converged IP voice and data. With their two September acquisitions they are now adding video to that convergence picture. And that is not all they are adding, as you may see below.
You think that’s a nice photo? Arris firmly stated that they are still looking how to use their strong balance sheet to “propel towards next generation of products because of disruption of how video is being deliver over the networks in an IP format” Check back in a few months to see what it looks like at that time.
In the meantime, they have end-to-end tools for broadcasters to deliver linear TV onto the web using IP and take on the likes of
Arris sees Moxi as a home gateway, not only for you, but for Arris. This is a major undertaking for their CPE and will be more challenging than Telephony. Digeo did most of the customer support for Moxi and that does not appear to be an Arris model today. But for $21 million, they could have done a lot worse.
Technorati Tags: HDTV,DVR,PVR,Moxi,Arris,Digeo,set top box,STB,IPTV,Motorola,TiVo,Cisco,DOCSIS,tru2way,cablevision,broadcast,video on demand,video
It’s time for another podcast (24 min) with Matthew Bennett:
- Audio version
- Video version
This week is full of goodness!
First, we discussed the Nokia N900, the Nokia X6, my Burning Man pictures (taken with the Samsung Memoir and the Nokia N97), the Nokia N97 mini, the Motorola CLIQ, and the HTC Hero (CDMA version)…
Then, check out my rant about the Nokia 7705 (Twist), and the (WiFi-less) Palm Pixi
I have had this phone for about 2 weeks now, and I love it. It’s simple, but it has a few extras on it to make it worth it. There is no camera…which I have had a camera on my phone for several years now, so I kind of miss it. But in all actuality, I rarely used it before anyway. The buttons are kind of small, but I had a razr before this so I am used to smaller buttons. You can change your navigation buttons to be what you want them to be. I wish I could check my myspace on this phone, but its not myspace enabled. I also have issues checking my gmail. Most other email services are good though (hotmail, yahoo, etc). All in all, I knew this phone had no camera and I knew the buttons were small before I ordered it. The ONLY major problem I have is, when I got the phone it had a dead pixel on it…but I know Cingular can send me a new phone. Great phone!
Well, I finally started the blog I’ve talking about starting for a while. I plan on doing what most people on a blog, talking about life in general. Also, since I’m such a power-dork, I’ll be talking about some of my interests like comics and technology. So, to all joining me on this journey; “enjoy!”
We had our third week of puppy training today. Boo (our three month-old collie-retriever-chow mix) learned loose-leash walking and leave-it/take-it. Both of which he will need practice to master. But hopefully, with time, he’ll start leaving our sandles alone.
Not too long ago Motorola announced the Moto CLIQ, their 1st android device. It’s set to release some time in the next couple months (I’m thinking between late Oct and early Nov for the holiday rush). Most people I’ve spoken about phones with may remember I’m not a fan of Motorola. However, after seeing/reading several hands-on reviews from the conference I’m more excited for a motorola cell phone than now than I’ve ever been before. Motorola also added their own piece of Motorola specific programing called MotoBlur. What MotoBlur does is makes the Moto CLIQ interact with social networks better than any other phone before it! And on top of that it works well (according to those hands-on reviews I mentioned before). To give my readers an idea of how well the Moto CLIQ interacts with social networks, during the demo they had a call come in and it had the caller’s facebook update below the caller id pic. While that in and of itself isn’t ground-breaking, it’s only one way that the Moto CLIQ works with social networks. While this may read a bit like an ad for the phone (and I am, admittedly, very excited for the phone), I do realize that the phone is a Motorola. By that I mean, I’ve only seen 1 motorola phone in recent memory that was anything above a “meh.” It very well could suffer from most or all the same flaws that plauged every phone built anything like the RAZR (that would be about every motorola phone made in the last 5+ years). I guess we’ll see in about a month or so. And, here’s hoping T-Mobile will make me the new android-champion for my store (I could get the phone for free)!
Firstly, unlike many cell phones that boast MP3 player functionality by way of a supplementary function, the Motorola U9 seems to have turned the tables somewhat in being primarily a feature rich MP3 player that comes with integral cell phone functionality and its notable that Motorola is undoubtedly promoting the Motorola U9 from this angle. The second thing that strikes you is just how similar the Motorola U9 looks style-wise to Creative’s Zen Stone MP3 player but perhaps that’s just us. Still, if Creative’s device has in anyway served as an inspiration it’s by no means a bad thing.
Finished in what Motorola refer to as a ‘metallic gloss, jewellery finish’ the Motorola U9 is a clamshell device boasting a borderless organic light emitting diode 1.45″ 65K outer display unit which comes complete with touch sensitive controls that appear as and when required. A further 2.0″ QVGA 262 TFT display unit is also included on the interior of the device for use when the phone is flipped open.
The device, which measures in at 90mm x 48.6mm x 16.4mm and weighs 87.5g, comes with 25MB of internal memory which can be further expanded to up to 4GB thanks to an on-board MicroSD card slot and supports all the usual suspects as far as file formats are concerned MP3, AAC, AAC+ and WMA with music transfer provided courtesy of Windows Media Player 11.
However, whilst the Motorola U9 also comes with integral stereo Bluetooth connectivity allowing for the use of wireless headsets and headphones as well as Motorola’s CrystalTalk technology which is purported to offer better call clarity as far as cell phone functionality is concerned, the Motorola U9 is a fairly rudimentary Quad-Band GPRS affair offering SMS, MMS, WVIM and EMS 5.0 messaging with a listed talk time of 430 minutes and a standby time of up to 350 hours and an integral camera rated at a fairly mundane 2.0 megapixels. For more details http://www.phoneandbeyond.com
This Quad-Band phone is only 16mm deep and the cool exterior will definitely turn heads in a crowd. The 176 by 220 screen resolution displays characters and images in sharp resolution. The revolutionary MOTORAZR K1 phone, the new ultra-sleek MOTOKRZR introduces a new standard of stunning style and innovation. Sharp and sophisticated with a luxurious finish and detailed craftsmanship, the MOTOKRZR is the definitive mobile for individuals who have an appreciation for cutting edge designs.
The Motorola KRZR K1 is an ultra-sleek mobile phone with highly innovative features. Precision engineered to perfection, this sleek looking handset from Motorola has introduced users to a whole new mobile and multimedia experience.
There are two displays on this phone, the first is an external screen that displays a minimal amount of information but rather is there to give the time and notify you of incoming texts and calls. The main display is where you do most of the interaction with the phone. Reflecting the design language of the super-slim MOTORAZR, the MOTOKRZR K1 exudes pure luxury with clean lines, precision detailing and premium materials shrouded within a distinctive metallic gloss front finish.
The MOTOKRZR K1 20 Megabits of memory are available and but there is a MicroSD slot in which you can insert a larger card to store more of your songs. Other great features include a Bluetooth connection to attach all supported headsets and converse on the go. There is a USB connection through which you can toss all the pictures you’ve taken through the 2 Megapixel cameras on your computer.
The MOTOKRZR K1 builds upon one of the most celebrated designs of the past decade by blending slender form with razor-thin design principles in a sleek clamshell form. The MOTOKRZR K1 measuring a mere 16mm thin X 42mm wide X 103mm long and weighing only 3.6 ounces, the MOTOKRZR slips easily into a pocket or purse.
As a matter of fact, this amazing mobile phone model offers a perfect balance between sleek form factor, craftsmanship and premium capabilities. The handset is empowered with EDGE technology, very much essential for high speed internet browsing. Then there is worldwide quad-band connectivity, which ensures that you remain connected in a wider stretch of the world. For more details http://www.luckywirelessusa.com
GSM world cell phones are the talk of the industry. Many businesses and individuals are looking into this latest technology. So for the novice, what is GSM? Simply put, GSM is a digital cellular technology that is open and can transmit voice and data. Where GSM differs from older technology is that the system divides each channel into eight time-slots which allows the same phone to be used around the world.
Using these cell phones gives you access to the same services on your cell phone whether you are in the United States or Europe or anywhere else there is a signal. You can use the same telephone number and have the same access as you would in your hometown in any of more than 200 hundred countries.
So why is this important? The GSM world cell phones give you the ability to have one phone and travel around the world with it. You do not need to worry about changing SIM cards or other elements of your phone, or have to take the dreaded second cell phone with you.
Travelers like things made as easy as possible. The bane of many travelers’ existence has been the need to have two or more cell phones with them when they travel and then try to guess which cell phone will work in which country. This new technology allows you to take only one cell phone with you and have confidence that it will work, including all the features you need, no matter where you travel to.
Sure there are some remote areas where the GSM world cell phone will not work, however, for the vast majority of travelers these cell phones will be the only cell phone they need. It is easy to see why travelers are rejoicing over this new technology. The only thing they have to worry about is having the right electrical adapter to chair their world phone.
As you search online for the best cell phone, you will undoubtedly be impressed with the GSM world cell phones. For anyone who travels out of the country, the practicality of these phones cannot be overstated. Priced right and with a good selection of models to choose from, it is only a matter of time before world cell phones become more popular than traditional cell phones.
The world is a big place but just got a little smaller thanks to the newest technology that has brought us GSM world cell phones
Le numéro 3 mondial rejoint la galaxie Android qui rassemble désormais le Top 5 (excepté Nokia) des fabricants de mobiles.
A l’exception de Nokia, les 5 plus gros vendeurs de mobiles de la planète ont désormais leurs smartphones Android, preuve de la confiance du marché pour la plate-forme de Google.
Après Samsung, Sony Ericsson et Motorola, c’est au donc au tour de LG (numéro 3 mondial) d’officialiser son terminal Android, baptisé GW620. Il s’agit encore une fois d’un terminal à clavier coulissant, un comme le Dext dévoilé par Motorola la semaine dernière.
Entrée de gamme ?
Le terminal est équipé d’un écran tactile de 3 pouces, d’un appareil photo numérique de 5 mégapixels, du Bluetooth et de la 3G.
Selon LG, il devrait cibler les nouveaux utilisateurs de smartphones, traduction, il se positionnera plutôt dans l’entrée de gamme. Son prix demeure toutefois inconnu. Sa sortie est prévue pour la fin de l’année, notamment en Europe.
L’arrivée de LG donne encore un peu plus de poids à l’écosystème Android. Reste que le sud-coréen n’entend pas mettre ses oeufs dans le même panier. S’il a confirmé prévoir la sortie d’autres Google phones, il mise également sur Windows Mobile 6.5 dont la sortie est prévue en octobre.
Le fabricant a ainsi indiqué qu’il lancerait trois modèles animés par l’OS de Microsoft avant la fin de l’année et 13 autres d’ici l’année prochaine.
On peut alors se demander si Android est stratégique pour LG ou si ce lancement constitue un ballon d’essai…
Source : ZDNet
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TooFAX® est la synthèse entre les atouts du Fax (rapidité, valeur juridique) et l’aspect pratique de l’e-mail.
Actualité de TooFAX® :
- Site internet : http://www.toofax.com
- Site du service : http://www.service.toofax.com
- Vidéos de démonstration : http://www.video.toofax.com
- Groupe Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/toofax
- Club des utilisateurs de la solution : http://www.club.toofax.com
- Actualités en ligne des services TooFAX® : http://twitter.com/toofax
- Blog officiel de la gamme de services TooFAX® : http://toofax.wordpress.com/
- Base de données gratuite de n° de fax pour vos opérations de faxing : http://www.toofaxdata.com
Review At&t Cingular Motorola C139 Cell Phone Go Phone -
…That for a mere ten dollars more you can get the C168i, which is like half the thickness, and only sufferes 2 hours less in battery, it plays games, stores more contacts, larger screen, and is just overall a better phone, I have nothing against this phone, i tried it out for a week or so untill i noticed the C168i for only 10 dollars more at Best Buy with all the extra bonuses it has over this one.
Only thing this phone has over the C168i is that it sure looks/feels a LOT more durable.
So this phone alon is a 5 star phone, but when compared to other products in a near/same price range its not the best phone, but its still a GREAT cheap phone, found it for 19.99 at best buy.. how can you complain at that price??